Friday, March 13, 2009

Breathe Slow

I just received the best news I have heard all week. A friend of mine from SUISS has just offered to let me stay with her when I go to Paris next month. Which means that I can go to Paris and actually afford it!! I am absolutely thrilled! Not only will this save me a bundle of money, I will also get to see my lovely friend Eugenia and get a true Parisian's guide to the city. Plus, Eugenia is a girl after my own heart and has an insatiable desire for anything sweet and chocolatey so I guarantee that my bags will be bulging with delectable French treats when I return to Edinburgh.

I have had an absolutely horrific week so this tidbit of good news is like manna for my spirit right now. I won't go into details (mainly because I don't want to give certain pesky busy-body trouble-makers any more brain time than is absolutely necessary)but the gist of it is that work has been a nightmare these past couple of weeks due to people inventing fairy stories because of the sheer boredom that comes from working in a brain-dead job. Unfortunately, I work in an environment where gossip spreads like wildfire and Chinese whispers are the daily special.

My mom's homing device must have been kicking in all the way from Perth because I was having the absolute worst day ever when she gave me a call yesterday. It's the strangest thing ever, she always knows exactly when I need to talk to her. Maybe she really does have me bugged....I just needed to rant. And rant and rant and rant. And then my dad got on the phone and I ranted some more. I felt a million times better and I was actually able to laugh about it afterwards. My dad is really good at helping me see the ridiculousness of a situation :-) I also got a very sweet email from my favourite ex-roomie Jen so I was completely topped up on my love meter. Thanks family and Jen! Mmmmmmwah!

Now I think it's time to do some Paris research. Any suggestions?

Au revoir!


alanasays said...

That is so awesome Rach! My face is literally as green as this page right now with pure envy. I bet it will be the best birthday ever! Did you end up getting my Christmas card btw? I hope I got the address right!


The Misadventures of Miss Manship said...

Thank-you Alana! I'm so excited too, can't believe I'm going to paris! :-) Wish you could come with me!
Yes, I did get your lovely christmas card. Thanks so much, it's stuck up on my wall with all my postcards and photos from home and my travels :-) I love getting things from home!
So are you going to come to Edinburgh? x