Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Today, I was determined to write a complete blog in one sitting. Normally, I have three or four blogs that I work on at a time and add and edit bits and pieces until I feel it's ready to publish. Not only could I not complete one whole post in a sitting, I couldn't write anything! My mojo is completely off today :-( Grrr!!

Will try again tomorrow...



alanasays said...

holy moley, your blog looks amazing! Thanks for all the blog comments, haha, they made my day!

I know what you mean about incomplete blogs that you add to, I have a ridiculous amount of drafts on here that will never be posted.

Usually me ranting on and losing enthusiasm halfway through and going "I GIVE UP"

lots of love! xxx

alanasays said...

holy moley, your blog looks amazing! Thanks for all the blog comments, haha, they made my day!

I know what you mean about incomplete blogs that you add to, I have a ridiculous amount of drafts on here that will never be posted.

Usually me ranting on and losing enthusiasm halfway through and going "I GIVE UP"

lots of love! xxx

Girlie | Digital Room said...

There are really those days when you want to write but you don't know where to draw inspiration from. But, if you force yourself to write, you wouldn't be happy about the outcome.

Just wait until the good ideas pop out from your head.

Your blog's design looks lovely!