Thursday, November 5, 2009

Reading is good for your brain

Ok, so that last post was really blergh and I am sooo tempted to delete.  But I'm not going to!

I am doing the NaNoWriMo thing this year!  For anyone who doesn't know what that is, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month.  The idea is to start and finish a novel in exactly one month.  Yikes!! 50, 000 words in one month! This is going to put my procrastinating to the test!! :-) I've thought through some ideas and I'm writing on this idea that I had when I was studying but never had the time *too lazy* to do anything with.  I'm not gonna say too much because I am EXTREMELY particular about people reading or knowing too much about what I'm writing until it's polished and finished.  Borderline pedantic, really.  All I'll say is that the title of it will be 'The Wind Chasers'. 

I have also just finished two books for my 50 Book Challenge and am half-way through another so that brings me to a total of three and a half books (one being Twilight, so I'm not really sure if that counts).  Book #2 was 'Remarkable Creatures' by one of my favourite writers, Tracy Chevalier.  The story is about the life of Mary Anning, the famous British fossil hunter.  Seeing as this is the woman who wrote 'Girl with a Pearl Earring', I was expecting greatness.  I was disappointed.  The book was bland, lifeless and really 'unremarkable'.  I have been waiting months for this book to come out and have been checking her website regularly to see if there were any updates.  While discussing the book on her website, she comments that her one challenge will be to 'make fossils sexy'.  Well, I hate to say this Ms Chevalier but it just wasn't achieved.  Two stars for this and only because it's obvious that there was an immense amount of research here.

Book #3 was 'A Voice in the Wind' by Francine Rivers.  I cheated a little bit on this one as I've read it before but I love it so much that I wanted it to be in my book challenge anyways! The book is part of a trilogy called 'The Mark of the Lion' series and it's about the persecution of the First-Century christians.  The story focuses on the life of a Jewish slave girl whose family are killed in the destruction of Rome in A.D. 70 (I think!).  It's absolutely brilliant and there are so many tidbits of information that I never knew about the era that are just so interesting! This is actually the book that got me interested in historical fiction and after reading it five times, I still never get sick of it. 

I'm so sorry that I have been so slack with updating this blog lately.  I don't even have the excuse of being too busy or anything like that as I've had nothing but time on my hands for a while now! I do, however, keep my dailybooth quite current so if anyone would like to check that out from time to time, the addy is:

Hope everyone is having a fantastic day! If anyone has any book recommendations for me for my 50 Book Challenge, please leave me a comment!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to do this NaNoWriMo thing, or join a book club, but I just don't have time.

Okay, that's not true. I'm just lazy and don't make time.

But the former makes me sound better.