Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Great, Big Glob of Blog Lady Lovin'

In my previous post, I mentioned that I had been nominated for a GLOB award by Amanda from La Blondie Peruana. However, I was so excited about Travel Tuesdays that I forgot to nominate all of my favourite female bloggers!! I adore each one of these lovely lady bloggers and I highly recommend you check out their blogs.  And girls, don't forget to pass on this award to all of your own favourite lady bloggers.

And the nominees are.....

Simple Truths from a Creative Liar Alana is one of my co-workers/fellow book fiends and is the person who motivated me to start a blog.  So there would be no record of Miss Manship's misadventures around the world if it weren't for Miss Alana here!  Not only is she one of my dear friends but she is also a fantastically talented writer and I am in awe of her ability to write about an everyday situation with such elegance and creativity.

La Blondie Peruana Amanda was one of the first ladies on my list of GLOB nominees, not because she very sweetly nominated ME for this award but firstly because she is one of my beloved contributors to my new blogging venture Travel Tuesdays.  She wrote a hilarious re-enactment of her airport antics in Canada and you can read the full story here or go to her blog to check out all her Peruvian missionary misadventures.

Lady Tells All is a classy, sassy lady blogger who says it like it is because as she states in her byline, 'Without the bitter, the sweet aint as sweet'.  Smart, witty and always adorable, her blog is one I always begin reading with anticipation of greatness.  Not once does she disappoint.  Her post The Post-Relationship Friendship is a particular favourite of mine.

Everyday Adventures (of me in the city) Jessica is a 30-something blogger who writes about her random antics around the city of Chicago.  Her writing is fresh and funky with lots of gorgeous photos of all her adventures.  And she loves purses! How could you not heart a blogger who loves purses!

Sarahbration Whenever I see that Sarah has added a new update, her blog is always the first that my mouse clicks on. Her posts are creatively insightful and always well-written (could be due to the fact that she's a reporter...) My only complaint is that I want more posts! I gobble them up for too quickly!

Confessions of a Twenty Something Year Old Cheryl's blog was one of the first that I followed when I started blogging and she always seems to be able to come up with interesting, thoughtful post that have me tittering to myself at my computer screen. Her writing is sharp as a tack, witty, poignant, intelligent and always, always relatable.  *Cheryl has been nominated to be February's featured blogger for website 20 Something Bloggers.  If you agree with me and think Cheryl should win, send her some sugar and vote for her here*

Kind of That Girl I've only recently discovered Alexandra's blog but basically, any girl who is willing dance around with a lampshade on her head or sing at the top of her lungs in the car at a stoplight is ok with me! I really love her style of writing and this NYE post is just a teeny morsel of her flair for the creative.

Austenprose A daily celebration of the brilliance of Jane Austen's writing??? Yes, please!!


I also realised the other day that I've been absolutely horrible in keeping track of the books that I've read for the 50 Book Challenge.  I've read about ten since I last reviewed but I'm far too lazy tired at the moment to write about them all so I'll have to review more of them in my next post. 

Book #4 ~ Austenland by Shannon Hale. This book was recommended to me by my favourite roommate Jen, who shares my love of Austen and the Tudors and knows my taste impeccably so I knew before the first page that I would love it. The story is about a young woman from New York whose aunt bequeaths to her a trip to an exclusive resort in England catering to the Austen-obsessed. Full of romantic romps through misty moors, saucy scandal in a Pemberley paradise and is, to quote Jen's exact recommendation, 'as delicious and indulgent as strawberries and double cream on a hot summers day' and scrumptious right to the last page!

That's all from me tonight, I'm afraid.  It's almost 2:30 in the morning and my eyes are starting to glaze over from the glare of the computer screen.  I hope any Australian bloggers reading this had a fantastic Australia Day on Tuesday. 

Lots of love!


 ALH said...

Thanks so much for nominating me!! I really appreciate it :)

Anonymous said...

I loved that you used the word saucy.

The Misadventures of Miss Manship said...

@Cheryl I think that saucy is probably my favourite word in the world and I would use it in every sentence if I could get away with it. It just sounds so naughty!! :-D

 ALH said...

Wrote a little something about you on my awards page :):

Sarah said...

Thanks so much Rachel! You have no idea how great reading that made me feel. I promise to try and keep up the posting!

b said...

Love the book recommendatin. Okay, I tried messaging you, but no luck. In response to your comment...I'd love to guest blog! Just let me know when & how ;) Cheers!