Christmas is my favourite time of year. I grew up in a family that celebrated the season with gusto, belting out joyful carols from the beginning of December and leaving stockings hanging by fireplaces for as long as possible in January. Christmas for me means noisy family get-togethers, far too many mince pies and giggling under duvets late on Christmas eve.
With so much happiness during the festive season, it's easy to forget that not everyone is having such a happy holiday. One person who is having a particularly trying Yuletide is Brandy from 20 something bloggers. She didn't ask me to post this, or even send me this. I saw it on one of her reader's blogs sarah-bration and re-posted it here. Brandy, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your 'hot awesome dude'. I pray that a little Christmas miracle comes your way.
My name is Brandy. And I have a blog.
And a plea.
I use my blog to showcase the crazy I meet everyday, share the stories of the kids I teach and document my love for tequila, dairy products and the abdominal muscles of Ryan Reynolds. Rarely do I talk about personal issues on my blog- as personal as the dude that I adore (who I actually met through my blog- single ladies, let that be a very good reason to blog, the possibility of meeting someone as wonderful as my man), but I need your help. And it involves my dude.
He’s a guy who made math comics for my class, so they would love learning about addition. He’s the kinda guy who sends my friends gift cards when they are having hard times, who remembers every story I ever told him, who was the first person I celebrated with when I got a teaching job. He’s the guy who sent flowers to me at school- dozens of my favourite pink roses just because he loves me. He’s a guy who has spent a year patiently explaining (and re-explaining) everything there is to know about football during the important games when silence is preferred. He’s made me word puzzles and comics and stayed up late playing Scrabble with me (even though I beat him almost every time). He’s listened to me cry about school and family and jobs. He is everything I never knew I needed and everything I always knew I wanted.
The holidays have hit us hard. He’s recently been told he may have something called multiple myeloma- an incurable cancer, that gives a person an average of five years of continued life. Though this news has came as a shock, he continues to be exactly who has always been- spending his time worrying about me, rather than worrying about himself. He’s the most selfless individual I know- (he stayed late on Christmas Eve to work, so his co-workers could leave early) and a post like this would never be something that he would promote or encourage but when I’m overwhelmed and feeling helpless, the blogging community has always given me tremendous support and comfort, two things I desperately need at this time.
As I write this, the future is uncertain and we aren’t sure what’s happening. He’ll need to see an oncologist soon, to verify what’s going on in his body. My hope is that everyone who reads this think positive thoughts and if you are a person who prays, could you add him to your list? (You can refer to him as ‘brandy’s hot awesome dude’). If you don’t pray, please keep him in your heart.This cancer is only a possibility and I believe that the prayers and positive thoughts of people can make sure it never becomes a reality.
I want to give a big thank you to the blog owner who scraped their original blog plans and graciously put this up. My goal is to get as many people as possible to see and read this post. If you are reading this and want to help, copy and paste my plea into your blog or send a link through twitter, so more people can keep him in their thoughts. I would be so very grateful (even more grateful than I am to my friend who first showed me the picture of Ryan Reynolds on the cover of Entertainment Weekly. If you haven’t seen it, google it. You. Are. Welcome).
I realize this all sounds dramatic, a Lifetime movie in the making- but this is life. Right now. And I’m throwing away any hint of ego and am humbly asking for you to pray or think kind thoughts. If you are able to pass this on, thank you and if you know anything regarding MM- please email me (my email is on my blog). This isn’t a call for sympathy or a plea for pity. It’s just one girl hoping you can think positive thoughts for the person she adores. If my current heartache provides you with anything, let it be with the reminder that life is short, love is unbending and no one knows what could happen next. Maybe it is silly, but I really do believe that positive thoughts can make a huge difference. Thank you for reading this and if you haven’t already? Please tell someone you love them today.
I did.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The Year of Wonders
In light of the coming new year and the end of the noughties (but not my naughties...mwahaha!), here is a bit of a review of the past year. Full of madness and mayhem, mischief and magic, this past year has been one of my most memorable yet and instead of doing a boring, dot-point recap of events, here instead is my year in facebook statuses...most definitely need to spend less time on the fbook! :-)
* Happy Hogmanay, Edinburgh!
* overwhelmed by the aftermath of a rip-roaring, didgeridooing Aussie day flat party!
* just had a peppermint crisp muffin and a rooibos latte at the Zulu lounge....yebo goggo!!!
* fighting to resist the charms of warm, Parisian nights, twinkling Eiffel Tower lights and the soft calling of the river Seine...
* "Some people think I'm bonkers. But I just think I'm free!"
* did some meeean gangsta rapping last night!
* had Jonathan Rhys Meyer appear in a dream last night - is there no end to his talents??
* can't stop dreaming about Henry VIII....but why am I always having my head chopped off???
* leaving Edinburgh on a wet, rainy summers day :-(
* makes all the Highland coos go 'moooooooo!'
* lost in Austen....please nobody try to find me! :-)
* reading 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies'......hmm
* just heard someone refer to me as 'Rach, the sassy one'!! Is that a compliment???
* likes to dress to match her sister. Yay cowboy shirts and fluffy ugg booties! :-)
* has a renewed interest in Dubliners :-)
* running around like a clown on purpose
* did some fine Irish jigging at Paddy Hannahs last night...cos that's what peep-toe heels are made for! :-)
* wants to do something really memorable for pulling out a magic wand after receiving my degree and shouting 'Expecto Patronus!!'
* wants to hold your hand in Strawberry Fields forever
* In quite a Shakespearean mood tonight...'The Tempest' to be precise
* ululating for the Bokkes!! Woo-hoo, got a feeling that tonights gonna be a good night :-)
* finally got my wish to dress up as a pirate. Many children were scared and lots of timbers were shivered! Yo-ho-ho, it's a pirate's life for me!
* trying to put together a beach volleyball team :-) Any takers??
* just bought the cutest pair of leopard-print swimming shorts for Bali.....despite what you may think...not tacky at all!! Hehe! :-)
* so much for the Bali diet...that home-made mango ice-cream was just CRYING to be eaten!! *eat me! eat me......*
* has a cracking headache from my caffeine detox....proof enough for me that coffee and chocolate ARE good for you!! :-)
* is so happy to have my boetie home from Malaysia...but not too impressed about the lack of presants, mister!!! :-)
* has a job interview on Friday...eek!!
* going to watch 'The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus'. Yay, I love weird stuff! :-D
* needs a lock for her sock drawer after catching Rich with a pair of mine on his big feet trying to sneak out without me seeing. Oi!!
* writing the next Christmas Carol....move over, Dickens!! :-D
* I adore pepperoni passion kisses....why, they are my favourite kind, Miss Foxy Kurowski :-D
* wondering at the bittersweetness of having so many friends all over the world that, no matter where I am, I always miss someone...
* was just suggested 'Wonder Woman' by facebook as 'people you may know' based on common fields...sounds about right :-D
* 'For Sale: Baby Shoes: Never Used'. Bravo, Hemingway, master of the 6-word story
* so, so pleased that my baby sis got baptised at Burns Beach yesterday.....not so pleased that on that same beach an hour later, a swimmers warning was issued due to a tiger shark feeding frenzy on a baby humpback whale :-s
* I really like the word 'lush'. I think that shall be included in my next piece of writing :-)
* leaving on a jetplane to Bali in six sleeps :-)
* back in the land of English-speaking tv, drinkable tap water and beachside livin'......hello, Perth! :-)
* only wants world peace for christmas....but some Irregular Choice heels would be very nice too, Santa ♥
* has had 'Endless Love' stuck in my head for a solid week...thanks a lot, Glee!!
* 'my first're every breath that I take'...........over and over and over.....gah!
* building my own house gingerbread house, that is :-) * had a customer at work who felt the need to explain to me who Nelson Mandela is.
* was asked yesterday if I knew if Roald Dahl would be bringing out a new book in time for Christmas *sigh*
*would like a non-alcoholic candy cane please :-)
* Since when is La Roux an 'electro goddess'?? I always thought she looked more like the white witch of Narnia myself...
* My Christmas blog! :-) Merry christmas week, everyone!
*Guess they give Elvis Presleys as christmas presants in Texas. That's what it's got on my snazzy Christmas card anyways! Thanks, Amy! ♥
*Wants words with Santa about this set of drums he brought for long, silent nights!
* Happy Hogmanay, Edinburgh!
* overwhelmed by the aftermath of a rip-roaring, didgeridooing Aussie day flat party!
* just had a peppermint crisp muffin and a rooibos latte at the Zulu lounge....yebo goggo!!!
* fighting to resist the charms of warm, Parisian nights, twinkling Eiffel Tower lights and the soft calling of the river Seine...
* "Some people think I'm bonkers. But I just think I'm free!"
* did some meeean gangsta rapping last night!
* had Jonathan Rhys Meyer appear in a dream last night - is there no end to his talents??
* can't stop dreaming about Henry VIII....but why am I always having my head chopped off???
* leaving Edinburgh on a wet, rainy summers day :-(
* makes all the Highland coos go 'moooooooo!'
* lost in Austen....please nobody try to find me! :-)
* reading 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies'......hmm
* just heard someone refer to me as 'Rach, the sassy one'!! Is that a compliment???
* likes to dress to match her sister. Yay cowboy shirts and fluffy ugg booties! :-)
* has a renewed interest in Dubliners :-)
* running around like a clown on purpose
* did some fine Irish jigging at Paddy Hannahs last night...cos that's what peep-toe heels are made for! :-)
* wants to do something really memorable for pulling out a magic wand after receiving my degree and shouting 'Expecto Patronus!!'
* wants to hold your hand in Strawberry Fields forever
* In quite a Shakespearean mood tonight...'The Tempest' to be precise
* ululating for the Bokkes!! Woo-hoo, got a feeling that tonights gonna be a good night :-)
* finally got my wish to dress up as a pirate. Many children were scared and lots of timbers were shivered! Yo-ho-ho, it's a pirate's life for me!
* trying to put together a beach volleyball team :-) Any takers??
* just bought the cutest pair of leopard-print swimming shorts for Bali.....despite what you may think...not tacky at all!! Hehe! :-)
* so much for the Bali diet...that home-made mango ice-cream was just CRYING to be eaten!! *eat me! eat me......*
* has a cracking headache from my caffeine detox....proof enough for me that coffee and chocolate ARE good for you!! :-)
* is so happy to have my boetie home from Malaysia...but not too impressed about the lack of presants, mister!!! :-)
* has a job interview on Friday...eek!!
* going to watch 'The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus'. Yay, I love weird stuff! :-D
* needs a lock for her sock drawer after catching Rich with a pair of mine on his big feet trying to sneak out without me seeing. Oi!!
* writing the next Christmas Carol....move over, Dickens!! :-D
* I adore pepperoni passion kisses....why, they are my favourite kind, Miss Foxy Kurowski :-D
* wondering at the bittersweetness of having so many friends all over the world that, no matter where I am, I always miss someone...
* was just suggested 'Wonder Woman' by facebook as 'people you may know' based on common fields...sounds about right :-D
* 'For Sale: Baby Shoes: Never Used'. Bravo, Hemingway, master of the 6-word story
* so, so pleased that my baby sis got baptised at Burns Beach yesterday.....not so pleased that on that same beach an hour later, a swimmers warning was issued due to a tiger shark feeding frenzy on a baby humpback whale :-s
* I really like the word 'lush'. I think that shall be included in my next piece of writing :-)
* leaving on a jetplane to Bali in six sleeps :-)
* back in the land of English-speaking tv, drinkable tap water and beachside livin'......hello, Perth! :-)
* only wants world peace for christmas....but some Irregular Choice heels would be very nice too, Santa ♥
* has had 'Endless Love' stuck in my head for a solid week...thanks a lot, Glee!!
* 'my first're every breath that I take'...........over and over and over.....gah!
* building my own house gingerbread house, that is :-) * had a customer at work who felt the need to explain to me who Nelson Mandela is.
* was asked yesterday if I knew if Roald Dahl would be bringing out a new book in time for Christmas *sigh*
*would like a non-alcoholic candy cane please :-)
* Since when is La Roux an 'electro goddess'?? I always thought she looked more like the white witch of Narnia myself...
* My Christmas blog! :-) Merry christmas week, everyone!
*Guess they give Elvis Presleys as christmas presants in Texas. That's what it's got on my snazzy Christmas card anyways! Thanks, Amy! ♥
*Wants words with Santa about this set of drums he brought for long, silent nights!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Dear Santa...
Dear Santa,
I have been exceptionally good this year. There may have been one or two unavoidable mishaps, particularly in the Edinburgh part of the year. Granted, I probably shouldn't have thrown my shoe at Jackson when he called me awful names at work. And I probably shouldn't have hit Evil Bob over the head with my handbag for teasing me about my red hair *I did receive payback for that one, by the way so I don't think that it should count, Santa. I broke my drivers license in the process and had to carry my passport around with me for six months until I returned home to Perth*. All in all though, I have been very, very good. Here is a little list of things that would make my christmas:
1. A plane ticket to somewhere exotic. Anywhere will do really. Somewhere tropical, like Fiji or the Maldives. Or a European winter wonderland, maybe Switzerland or Russia. I can't bear to be cooped up in one place for too long so pretty please Santa! With sugar and whipped cream on top!
2. A 'Wicked' dayplanner. 2008 and 2009 were a flurry of new experiences for me, from moving to Scotland, camping in Alpine climates and learning to didgeridoo (not very well, I might add). I intend to make 2010 even better. Plus, I am a social butterfly and with all of the parties, dates and events I have planned for the new year, I absolutely must have a day planner! Besides, I'm obsessed with stripey socks and who wears them better than the Wicked Witch? ;-)
3. A Nigella Lawson cookbook. A domestic goddess, I am not. Even after a year of living on my own, the best meal that I can come up with if I absolutely must cook is sausage and mash. I despise cooking and I'm definitely not very good at it so if there is one person in the world who can inspire me to broaden my culinary horizons, it is Miss Lawson. But be warned: I may begin using adjectives for my food like luscious, succulent and 'scrummy yummy'.
4. Jonathan Rhys Meyers. If you could possible arrange for him to be underneath my tree on Christmas morning or even just get him to deliver my presants, I would be very, very much obliged. It's not that I don't love you, Santa. I'm just a fool for an Irish accent ;-)
5. At the risk of sounding like a Miss Universe candidate, I really would like world peace for Christmas, Santa. I realise that you probably can't manage this in one Christmas Eve but even if you were able to relieve just one person's suffering this Christmas, that would be very nice. I feel mighty selfish sometimes enjoying all the merriments of the season when there are people in the world who are suffering and alone at Christmas.
Lots of love and gingerbread kisses,
Rach xxx
P.S. If you happen to receive a letter from a Miss J. Kurowski from Philadelpia, I promise that there were no signs saying I couldn't climb that tree!
Santa loves me more than you
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Reading is good for your brain
Ok, so that last post was really blergh and I am sooo tempted to delete. But I'm not going to!
I am doing the NaNoWriMo thing this year! For anyone who doesn't know what that is, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. The idea is to start and finish a novel in exactly one month. Yikes!! 50, 000 words in one month! This is going to put my procrastinating to the test!! :-) I've thought through some ideas and I'm writing on this idea that I had when I was studying but never had the time *too lazy* to do anything with. I'm not gonna say too much because I am EXTREMELY particular about people reading or knowing too much about what I'm writing until it's polished and finished. Borderline pedantic, really. All I'll say is that the title of it will be 'The Wind Chasers'.
I have also just finished two books for my 50 Book Challenge and am half-way through another so that brings me to a total of three and a half books (one being Twilight, so I'm not really sure if that counts). Book #2 was 'Remarkable Creatures' by one of my favourite writers, Tracy Chevalier. The story is about the life of Mary Anning, the famous British fossil hunter. Seeing as this is the woman who wrote 'Girl with a Pearl Earring', I was expecting greatness. I was disappointed. The book was bland, lifeless and really 'unremarkable'. I have been waiting months for this book to come out and have been checking her website regularly to see if there were any updates. While discussing the book on her website, she comments that her one challenge will be to 'make fossils sexy'. Well, I hate to say this Ms Chevalier but it just wasn't achieved. Two stars for this and only because it's obvious that there was an immense amount of research here.
Book #3 was 'A Voice in the Wind' by Francine Rivers. I cheated a little bit on this one as I've read it before but I love it so much that I wanted it to be in my book challenge anyways! The book is part of a trilogy called 'The Mark of the Lion' series and it's about the persecution of the First-Century christians. The story focuses on the life of a Jewish slave girl whose family are killed in the destruction of Rome in A.D. 70 (I think!). It's absolutely brilliant and there are so many tidbits of information that I never knew about the era that are just so interesting! This is actually the book that got me interested in historical fiction and after reading it five times, I still never get sick of it.
I'm so sorry that I have been so slack with updating this blog lately. I don't even have the excuse of being too busy or anything like that as I've had nothing but time on my hands for a while now! I do, however, keep my dailybooth quite current so if anyone would like to check that out from time to time, the addy is:
Hope everyone is having a fantastic day! If anyone has any book recommendations for me for my 50 Book Challenge, please leave me a comment!
I am doing the NaNoWriMo thing this year! For anyone who doesn't know what that is, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. The idea is to start and finish a novel in exactly one month. Yikes!! 50, 000 words in one month! This is going to put my procrastinating to the test!! :-) I've thought through some ideas and I'm writing on this idea that I had when I was studying but never had the time *too lazy* to do anything with. I'm not gonna say too much because I am EXTREMELY particular about people reading or knowing too much about what I'm writing until it's polished and finished. Borderline pedantic, really. All I'll say is that the title of it will be 'The Wind Chasers'.
I have also just finished two books for my 50 Book Challenge and am half-way through another so that brings me to a total of three and a half books (one being Twilight, so I'm not really sure if that counts). Book #2 was 'Remarkable Creatures' by one of my favourite writers, Tracy Chevalier. The story is about the life of Mary Anning, the famous British fossil hunter. Seeing as this is the woman who wrote 'Girl with a Pearl Earring', I was expecting greatness. I was disappointed. The book was bland, lifeless and really 'unremarkable'. I have been waiting months for this book to come out and have been checking her website regularly to see if there were any updates. While discussing the book on her website, she comments that her one challenge will be to 'make fossils sexy'. Well, I hate to say this Ms Chevalier but it just wasn't achieved. Two stars for this and only because it's obvious that there was an immense amount of research here.
Book #3 was 'A Voice in the Wind' by Francine Rivers. I cheated a little bit on this one as I've read it before but I love it so much that I wanted it to be in my book challenge anyways! The book is part of a trilogy called 'The Mark of the Lion' series and it's about the persecution of the First-Century christians. The story focuses on the life of a Jewish slave girl whose family are killed in the destruction of Rome in A.D. 70 (I think!). It's absolutely brilliant and there are so many tidbits of information that I never knew about the era that are just so interesting! This is actually the book that got me interested in historical fiction and after reading it five times, I still never get sick of it.
I'm so sorry that I have been so slack with updating this blog lately. I don't even have the excuse of being too busy or anything like that as I've had nothing but time on my hands for a while now! I do, however, keep my dailybooth quite current so if anyone would like to check that out from time to time, the addy is:
Hope everyone is having a fantastic day! If anyone has any book recommendations for me for my 50 Book Challenge, please leave me a comment!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Today, I was determined to write a complete blog in one sitting. Normally, I have three or four blogs that I work on at a time and add and edit bits and pieces until I feel it's ready to publish. Not only could I not complete one whole post in a sitting, I couldn't write anything! My mojo is completely off today :-( Grrr!!
Will try again tomorrow...
Will try again tomorrow...
Monday, October 5, 2009
8 True Things
A week or so ago, I was tagged to do the 50 Books Challenge. 50 books in a year! Easy peasy man! :-) I'm gonna make an effort to review all the books that I read for this little challenge so by......21st September of next year, I should have read and commented on 50 books.
So the first book that I finished (and I'm cringing writing this) is 'Breaking Dawn' by Stephanie Meyer. I read the others a few months ago and just didn't get into them so didn't bother reading the last one. However, I got bullied into reading the final one and, I have to say, it wasn't that bad. The writing is atrocious and it's a killer anti-climax ending but the storyline is pretty more-ish, I have to say!
8 Things I look forward to
1) Spending Christmas this year with my family in Australia! :-)
2) Starting my post-grad at Murdoch. Finally, my brain will be in function again!
3) Spending nine glorious days in the beautiful Bali sun. Bliss!
4) Summer this year! I'm normally more of a cool weather person but after about two years of living in Narnia, I'm looking forward to being warm for a change.
5) Celebrating New Years in Sydney with my Edinburgh pals. Yay!
6) Going for dinner on Saturday with my good friend, Cheresy (,")
7) Having a Quinton Tarantino film night with Ash
8) Many more travel adventures!
8 Things I did yesterday (in order)
1) Had left-over chicken for breakfast
2) Listened to some toe-tapping 80's tunes
3) Worked for a measly three hours
4) Played with my new phone (sooo cute and pink!)
5) Wrapped Ashley's birthday presant (which is about 2 weeks late)
6) Took way too many stupid pictures of myself for daily booth
7) Washed my car for the first time in three months (poor Agatha!)
8) Danced my socks off :-)
8 Things I wish I could do
1) Fly :-)
2) Have my own creativity button. Push 'on' and churn out amazing writing everytime
3) Play guitar
4) Speak French and Italian
5) Travel whenever I want
6) See all the people in my life that I miss so much
7) Get my revenge on all the people in my life who annoy me! Mwahahaha! (kidding, kidding...)
8) Get my dream job of being a travel writer
8 Movies I love right now
1) Amelie
2) Virgin Suicides
3) Braveheart
4) Legends of the Fall
5) The Other Boleyn Girl
6) Stepmom
7) Across the Universe
8) Troy
*Now Fraser's last list was was '8 Albums I currently adore' but I'm much more a book kinda girl so mine will be '8 Books I cannot live without!*
1) Bible
2) Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
3) Voice in the Wind - Francine Rivers
4) 'Chocolat' and 'The Lollipop Shoes' by Joanne Harris
5) 'Girl with the Pearl Earring' - Tracy Chevalier
6) 'The Bell Jar' - Sylvia Plath
7) 'Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
8) 'The Virgin Suicides' - Jeffrey Eugenides (loved both the book and movie)
I'm not in much of a writing mood today, so I'm gonna steal a little '8 things' quiz thing from Fras (check out his blog, it's good reading!).
8 Things I look forward to
1) Spending Christmas this year with my family in Australia! :-)
2) Starting my post-grad at Murdoch. Finally, my brain will be in function again!
3) Spending nine glorious days in the beautiful Bali sun. Bliss!
4) Summer this year! I'm normally more of a cool weather person but after about two years of living in Narnia, I'm looking forward to being warm for a change.
5) Celebrating New Years in Sydney with my Edinburgh pals. Yay!
6) Going for dinner on Saturday with my good friend, Cheresy (,")
7) Having a Quinton Tarantino film night with Ash
8) Many more travel adventures!
8 Things I did yesterday (in order)
1) Had left-over chicken for breakfast
2) Listened to some toe-tapping 80's tunes
3) Worked for a measly three hours
4) Played with my new phone (sooo cute and pink!)
5) Wrapped Ashley's birthday presant (which is about 2 weeks late)
6) Took way too many stupid pictures of myself for daily booth
7) Washed my car for the first time in three months (poor Agatha!)
8) Danced my socks off :-)
8 Things I wish I could do
1) Fly :-)
2) Have my own creativity button. Push 'on' and churn out amazing writing everytime
3) Play guitar
4) Speak French and Italian
5) Travel whenever I want
6) See all the people in my life that I miss so much
7) Get my revenge on all the people in my life who annoy me! Mwahahaha! (kidding, kidding...)
8) Get my dream job of being a travel writer
8 Movies I love right now
1) Amelie
2) Virgin Suicides
3) Braveheart
4) Legends of the Fall
5) The Other Boleyn Girl
6) Stepmom
7) Across the Universe
8) Troy
*Now Fraser's last list was was '8 Albums I currently adore' but I'm much more a book kinda girl so mine will be '8 Books I cannot live without!*
1) Bible
2) Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
3) Voice in the Wind - Francine Rivers
4) 'Chocolat' and 'The Lollipop Shoes' by Joanne Harris
5) 'Girl with the Pearl Earring' - Tracy Chevalier
6) 'The Bell Jar' - Sylvia Plath
7) 'Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
8) 'The Virgin Suicides' - Jeffrey Eugenides (loved both the book and movie)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Miss Manship and the Bible of Dreams
When I was in my final year of uni, I took a psychology/writing unit called 'Writing Therapy'. The purpose of the class was to examine the therapeutic benefits of writing and to discern whether writing can be a help or a hinderance in some situations (using writers such as Plath and Sexton...was the outlet of writing a delaying of the inevitable or could it have been the cause of them taking their lives?). Anyways, one of the exercises for the class was to put a pen and paper right next to your bed and start writing the minute you open your eyes in the morning. Apparently, because you are still in a semi-dreamlike state when you first awake, you are likely to be more in touch with your subconscious. The idea interested me a lot and so I started setting my alarm five minute earlier in the morning and writing down my dreams. Once I started writing down the dreams, they started getting more and more vivid. Every night my dreams were getting stranger and stranger and I was enjoying capturing them on paper so much that I was even setting my alarm to go off in the middle of the night so that I could write down more of my dreams. Slightly obsessive, I know but some of the material that I was getting for my writing was unbelievable. I would get up in the morning with notes from the night before (usually stuck to my face or written on my arm) and have no recollection of the dreams themselves. I have notebooks full of these dreams and not I want to start recording them on my blog but I don't really want them to get in the way of my regular blog so I've set up a separate blog purely for the purpose of recording some of my more elaborate dreams. It's just an experiment at the moment but if anyone is interested in having a squiz, the address is
Sweet dreams (,")
Sweet dreams (,")
Writing Therapy
Monday, September 14, 2009
Marmalade Musings
*Dream from the eve of September 10, 2009*
In this particularly vivid dream (not too long after watching 'Coraline' by the way), I had a bit of an Alice in Wonderland moment and stepped through my bedroom door into a nightclub. It was a bit of a 'Jazzbar' type club, three levels underground and quite cosy. The weirdest part of the dream (not the fact that I had a club connected to my bedroom, of course) was that everything in the club was orange. It was called 'Zest' and absolutely everything in the room was a shade of orange. Coloured lampshades threw a tangerine glare on the faces of the club-goers (who were all Scottish redheads apart from two 'Bugsy Malone' white rabbits sat at the bar, mixing gin and tonics with carrot stick stirrers). There were baskets of orange tic-tacs on pumpkin-patterned tablecloths and big, orange thought bubbles floating above people's heads, popping every now and then and dousing the thinker in a citrusy spray. Coldplay's 'Yellow' and Simply Red were playing over the soundsystem.
It was almost like being trapped in that Beatle song...
Picture yourself in a boat on a river
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies
What does this all mean?? I don't even like orange...

It was almost like being trapped in that Beatle song...
Picture yourself in a boat on a river
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies
What does this all mean?? I don't even like orange...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Untitled Piece of Prose
I stood on a grassy embankment,
And at my feet a precipice broke sure down to infinite space.
I looked but saw no bottom, only cloud shapes, black and furiously coiled.
A great shadow shrouded hollows and unfathomable depths,
I drew back, dizzy at the depth.
Then I saw forms moving single file along the grass
They were making for the edge
I saw a woman with a child, holding onto her dress
She was on the very verge
Then I saw that she was blind
she lifted her foot for the next step
It trod air
She was over and the child with her
and, oh the cry as they went over
And then I saw more streams of people,
Flowing from all quarters
All were blind, totally blind, all making straight for the precipice edge
There were shrieks as they suddently felt themselves falling
And tossing up of helpless arms
Catching, clutching at empty air
But some went over quietly and fell without a word
I wondered with a wonder that was simple agony why no-one stopped them at the edge
I couldn't
I was glued to the ground
I couldn't call, though I strained and tried
Only a whisper would come
And then I saw along the edge
There were centuries set at intervals
But the intervals were far too great
There were wide, unguarded gaps between them and over these gaps people fell in their blindness
Quite unwarned
And the green grass seemed blood-red to me
And the gulf yawned like the mouth of hell
Then I saw a picture of peace
A group of people sitting under some trees with their backs towards the gulf
They were making daisy chains
Sometimes when a piercing shriek cut through the quiet air and reached them
It disturbed them and they thought it a rather vulgar noise
And if one of their number started up and wanted to go and do something to help,
The all the others would pull that one down
'Why should you get so excited about it?
You must wait for a definite call to go,
You haven't finished your daisy chain yet
It would be really quite selfish,' they said, 'to leave us to finish the work by ourselves.'
There was another group
It was made up of people whose great desire was to get more centuries out
But they found that very few wanted to go
And sometimes there were no centuries set for a mile on the edge
Once a girl stood alone in her place
Waving people back
But her mother and relations called and reminded her that her time was up
And she mustn't break the rules
And being tired and needing a change, she had to go and rest for awhile
But no-one was set to guard her gap,
And over and over the people fell
Like a waterfall of souls
Once a boy caught a tuft of grass at the very brink of the gulf
He climbed convulsively and he called
But no-one seemed to hear
Then the roots of the grass gave way
And with a cry, the boy went over
With two hands still holding tight to the torn-off bunch of grass
And the girl who longed to be back at the gap
Thought she heard the young boy cry and she sprang up, wanting to go
But they reproved her, reminding her that no-one is really necessary anywhere
The gap will be well-taken care of
And they sang a hymn,
And then, through the hymn, came another sound
A sound like a million broken hearts,
Wrung out in one fearful sob,
And a horror and great darkness was upon me,
For I knew what it was,
It was the cry of blood
I stood on a grassy embankment,
And at my feet a precipice broke sure down to infinite space.
I looked but saw no bottom, only cloud shapes, black and furiously coiled.
A great shadow shrouded hollows and unfathomable depths,
I drew back, dizzy at the depth.
Then I saw forms moving single file along the grass
They were making for the edge
I saw a woman with a child, holding onto her dress
She was on the very verge
Then I saw that she was blind
she lifted her foot for the next step
It trod air
She was over and the child with her
and, oh the cry as they went over
And then I saw more streams of people,
Flowing from all quarters
All were blind, totally blind, all making straight for the precipice edge
There were shrieks as they suddently felt themselves falling
And tossing up of helpless arms
Catching, clutching at empty air
But some went over quietly and fell without a word
I wondered with a wonder that was simple agony why no-one stopped them at the edge
I couldn't
I was glued to the ground
I couldn't call, though I strained and tried
Only a whisper would come
And then I saw along the edge
There were centuries set at intervals
But the intervals were far too great
There were wide, unguarded gaps between them and over these gaps people fell in their blindness
Quite unwarned
And the green grass seemed blood-red to me
And the gulf yawned like the mouth of hell
Then I saw a picture of peace
A group of people sitting under some trees with their backs towards the gulf
They were making daisy chains
Sometimes when a piercing shriek cut through the quiet air and reached them
It disturbed them and they thought it a rather vulgar noise
And if one of their number started up and wanted to go and do something to help,
The all the others would pull that one down
'Why should you get so excited about it?
You must wait for a definite call to go,
You haven't finished your daisy chain yet
It would be really quite selfish,' they said, 'to leave us to finish the work by ourselves.'
There was another group
It was made up of people whose great desire was to get more centuries out
But they found that very few wanted to go
And sometimes there were no centuries set for a mile on the edge
Once a girl stood alone in her place
Waving people back
But her mother and relations called and reminded her that her time was up
And she mustn't break the rules
And being tired and needing a change, she had to go and rest for awhile
But no-one was set to guard her gap,
And over and over the people fell
Like a waterfall of souls
Once a boy caught a tuft of grass at the very brink of the gulf
He climbed convulsively and he called
But no-one seemed to hear
Then the roots of the grass gave way
And with a cry, the boy went over
With two hands still holding tight to the torn-off bunch of grass
And the girl who longed to be back at the gap
Thought she heard the young boy cry and she sprang up, wanting to go
But they reproved her, reminding her that no-one is really necessary anywhere
The gap will be well-taken care of
And they sang a hymn,
And then, through the hymn, came another sound
A sound like a million broken hearts,
Wrung out in one fearful sob,
And a horror and great darkness was upon me,
For I knew what it was,
It was the cry of blood
Sunday, August 23, 2009
*Reminiscing of a summer past*
After my recent jaunt of being a penniless traveller, I am slightly overwhelmed with the amount of clutter I have accumulated in my room. A major clear-out is in progress and between the stacks of sheet music and pressed flowers, I found this note. It's dated a few days after my return from my trip to Scotland in 2007, my first ever trip away from home and was scribbled in the wee hours of one of my jet-lag induced sleepless nights.
'I am missing Edinburgh. I miss cold, stone buildings and misty meadows and twenty different shades of lush green. I miss the buzz of learning and laughing and singing. Excitement and pleasure and feeling as though I have never been happier than at this very moment. I miss Carly and Liza, Amir and Tashi, Roxanne and Will and my Spanish senoritas. I miss feeling dumb and inspired and light and slightly beautiful. Also, the lovely sensation of belonging. I miss Japanese tourism, pillaging, dancing and discovering.
I miss being the Pied Piper and the lone Australian. I miss being Red. I miss being a mystery. Life without chores and T.V. and my cellphone (but not facebook...that I could not live without). I miss early morning lectures and frosty nights and terrible cafeteria food. I miss grumpy old ladies and blistered ankles and broken glasses.
I miss defiant graffiti!
I miss sparkly red Dorothy shoes and terrible pick-up lines and even worse poetry scribbled in the sleepy aftermath of a beautiful dream. I miss having beautiful dreams. I miss the colourful Indian shops, cluttered second-hand bookshops and classy vintage stores.
Like that place where you bought your kilt from.
I miss being able to get away with wearing pink snakeskin ballet slippers and shiny blue tap shoes. Roald Dahl coffee mugs and C.S. Lewis biographies. Being defiant and cheeky and indulged enough to get away with it. I miss sharing secrets and wicked whispers in dirty pubs and trendy coffee shops and having my grammar corrected. Persian and Hebrew, Spanish and Gaelic. I miss feeling alive.'
'I am missing Edinburgh. I miss cold, stone buildings and misty meadows and twenty different shades of lush green. I miss the buzz of learning and laughing and singing. Excitement and pleasure and feeling as though I have never been happier than at this very moment. I miss Carly and Liza, Amir and Tashi, Roxanne and Will and my Spanish senoritas. I miss feeling dumb and inspired and light and slightly beautiful. Also, the lovely sensation of belonging. I miss Japanese tourism, pillaging, dancing and discovering.
I miss being the Pied Piper and the lone Australian. I miss being Red. I miss being a mystery. Life without chores and T.V. and my cellphone (but not facebook...that I could not live without). I miss early morning lectures and frosty nights and terrible cafeteria food. I miss grumpy old ladies and blistered ankles and broken glasses.
I miss defiant graffiti!
I miss sparkly red Dorothy shoes and terrible pick-up lines and even worse poetry scribbled in the sleepy aftermath of a beautiful dream. I miss having beautiful dreams. I miss the colourful Indian shops, cluttered second-hand bookshops and classy vintage stores.
Like that place where you bought your kilt from.
I miss being able to get away with wearing pink snakeskin ballet slippers and shiny blue tap shoes. Roald Dahl coffee mugs and C.S. Lewis biographies. Being defiant and cheeky and indulged enough to get away with it. I miss sharing secrets and wicked whispers in dirty pubs and trendy coffee shops and having my grammar corrected. Persian and Hebrew, Spanish and Gaelic. I miss feeling alive.'
Pied Piper,
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Weird and Wonderful folk of Edinburgh!

A few weeks ago, I was sitting in one of my favourite coffee shops along Nicholson street. I was in one of the booths facing the street and was thoroughly intrigued with the people I saw passing. Nowhere in the world have I loved people-watching as much as I have in Edinburgh. Old Town especially seems to have an abundance of people who simply like being a bit quirky and off-beat. These are just a few of the people that I saw during the course of two hours and three regular lattes:
~ A young woman of about twenty appears in the window of the second-storey flat above Tescoes directly opposite me. It is possibly one of the busiest places on Nicholson street, yet she doesn't seem to realise this as she throws the curtains open with gusto, wearing nothing more than a pale blue T-shirt that reads 'Little Miss Naughty'.
~ A 'Kirstyn Knowles' look-alike (maybe even her!). She has dark auburn hair worn down over her shoulders with bright turquoise eyeshadow. But her most distinguishing feature! A pair of apple-green stripey 'Wizard of Oz' tights. If she had been carrying an electric guitar in her hands, she would not have looked at all out of place.
~ During the course of the morning, a black jacket is dropped on the pavement. This presents a fascinating dilemma! Will someone pick it up and keep it? Put it on a bench to stop it from getting dirty and stepped on? Ignore it and blatantly step on it? The young student who looks like she will become a nurse or a vet such her innocent eyes and kind face dodges it like a dog poop in her path. The grandad with the cuddly jumper and jelly belly actually stopped and stood on it for a while. It turned out to be a tattoed hobo with one massive dreadlock running down his back that picked the jacket up and folded it neatly onto the bus bench for the owner to find.
~ The strangest little woman just walked past! She must have been well into her sixties with white, white hair and a pin-striped business suit. However, underneath the jacket, she had on a pink and silver ruffled satin blouse with a matching bag. Not pretty, lacey satin that could look quite feminine underneath a suit jacket. The kind of cheap, trashy blouse that you would buy in less reputable shops. The frosted pink eyeshadow painted up to the pencilled eyebrows and letterbox red lipstick added the finishing touches to the whole ensemble.
*Why are there so many people walking around with guitars here?*
~ I take it back! I have now seen the strangest woman in Edinburgh! She is a tiny, hunched-over lady supported by what looks to be her daughter or maybe her carer. She is wearing a midnight blue velvet cloak that could quite easily be mistaken for a magician's cape. Perhaps she is in the theatre? Sticking out from the hem of her cloak are the thinnest, spindliest legs I have ever seen. And I don't mean 'lolli-pop lady' thin - I mean 'where the heck are your bones' thin. You might think that she would be wearing comfortable, flat leather granny shoes. Her frailty might excuse her wearing slippers even. No, this little lady had on nothing short of the sparkliest, brightest, cherry-red stilletoes I have ever seen.
~ A genuinely pretty girl is walking along by herself. Every detail of her is perfect, matching, clean and crease-free. Her hair and make-up are immaculate. She obviously puts a lot of care into her appearance. Either that or she is extremely meticulous. Her eyes are glued to the pavement as she walks along with her arms wrapped tightly around herself. She peeks out from under her fringe and, seeing someone glance in her direction, blushes terribly and walks faster.
*Scratch what I previously said. Edinburgh is just plain full of weirdos. Some guy just walked past, stopped dead in his tracks in front of me, stared intently for a good thirty seconds and then yelled 'nice laptop! with two thumbs up! Haha!*
~ I love the boldness of this one girl dashing down the street in the rain! Her outfit clashes horribly but she certainly makes a statement! She is wearing a red trenchcoat with flat red pumps. Underneath, she has on a royal blue dress with little red hearts all over it. Finally - the killer detail and the cause of the outfit clash - royal blue tights!
Nicholson street,
Old Town,
Monday, March 16, 2009
Good Morning, Midnight
Good Morning, Midnight!
I'm coming home.
Day got tired of me-
How could I of him?
Sunshine was a sweet place,
I liked to stay-
But morn didn't want me - now-
So good night, day!
-Emily Dickensen
I'm coming home.
Day got tired of me-
How could I of him?
Sunshine was a sweet place,
I liked to stay-
But morn didn't want me - now-
So good night, day!
-Emily Dickensen
Emily Dickensen,
Good Morning,
Friday, March 13, 2009
Breathe Slow
I just received the best news I have heard all week. A friend of mine from SUISS has just offered to let me stay with her when I go to Paris next month. Which means that I can go to Paris and actually afford it!! I am absolutely thrilled! Not only will this save me a bundle of money, I will also get to see my lovely friend Eugenia and get a true Parisian's guide to the city. Plus, Eugenia is a girl after my own heart and has an insatiable desire for anything sweet and chocolatey so I guarantee that my bags will be bulging with delectable French treats when I return to Edinburgh.
I have had an absolutely horrific week so this tidbit of good news is like manna for my spirit right now. I won't go into details (mainly because I don't want to give certain pesky busy-body trouble-makers any more brain time than is absolutely necessary)but the gist of it is that work has been a nightmare these past couple of weeks due to people inventing fairy stories because of the sheer boredom that comes from working in a brain-dead job. Unfortunately, I work in an environment where gossip spreads like wildfire and Chinese whispers are the daily special.
My mom's homing device must have been kicking in all the way from Perth because I was having the absolute worst day ever when she gave me a call yesterday. It's the strangest thing ever, she always knows exactly when I need to talk to her. Maybe she really does have me bugged....I just needed to rant. And rant and rant and rant. And then my dad got on the phone and I ranted some more. I felt a million times better and I was actually able to laugh about it afterwards. My dad is really good at helping me see the ridiculousness of a situation :-) I also got a very sweet email from my favourite ex-roomie Jen so I was completely topped up on my love meter. Thanks family and Jen! Mmmmmmwah!

Now I think it's time to do some Paris research. Any suggestions?
Au revoir!

I have had an absolutely horrific week so this tidbit of good news is like manna for my spirit right now. I won't go into details (mainly because I don't want to give certain pesky busy-body trouble-makers any more brain time than is absolutely necessary)but the gist of it is that work has been a nightmare these past couple of weeks due to people inventing fairy stories because of the sheer boredom that comes from working in a brain-dead job. Unfortunately, I work in an environment where gossip spreads like wildfire and Chinese whispers are the daily special.
My mom's homing device must have been kicking in all the way from Perth because I was having the absolute worst day ever when she gave me a call yesterday. It's the strangest thing ever, she always knows exactly when I need to talk to her. Maybe she really does have me bugged....I just needed to rant. And rant and rant and rant. And then my dad got on the phone and I ranted some more. I felt a million times better and I was actually able to laugh about it afterwards. My dad is really good at helping me see the ridiculousness of a situation :-) I also got a very sweet email from my favourite ex-roomie Jen so I was completely topped up on my love meter. Thanks family and Jen! Mmmmmmwah!
Now I think it's time to do some Paris research. Any suggestions?
Au revoir!

Jennifer Kurowski,
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Specimen hands
There are some hands whose past you don’t want to know
Hands that wound the clock above the fire
That exchanged rings under a crucified and Caucasian Christ
That reached into cabinets containing bottles of laudanum then fell by
Sides in a groggy narcotic daze
Hands that buried a secret in a paddock behind a church
That arranged stones just-so, then wiped their owner’s mouth.
Graeme miles
Hands that wound the clock above the fire
That exchanged rings under a crucified and Caucasian Christ
That reached into cabinets containing bottles of laudanum then fell by
Sides in a groggy narcotic daze
Hands that buried a secret in a paddock behind a church
That arranged stones just-so, then wiped their owner’s mouth.
Graeme miles
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